Now It's Very Easy to instantly monetize your Blog Make money from your blog easily. 10 ways to monetize your blog. ...
Plex is coming to Google’s new Nexus Player
Google unveiled the Nexus Player, its latest combatant in the battle for your living room. Mountain View’s latest set-top receiver is att...

Google: Android’s new Messenger app, Not A Hangouts Replacement / Rebrand
Google’s new Messenger app with the Nexus 6 as part of Android 5.0 Lollipop New Messenger App isn’t Hangouts’ replacement, instead it’s m...

AOL Video (original shows and movies) Now on Android TV
AOL brining its video app, along with original shows and movies to Android TV. Android TV brings a tailored primetime entertainment ...
Google Analytics New Tag Manager Tools
Google Analytics Tag Management More Accessible & More Powerful Google , the new Tag Manager API lets users to customize their inf...
Dropbox account passwords posted online
A document posted on pastebin earlier contains 400 Dropbox usernames and passwords, which the poster claims are just a tiny fraction of...
Google Express grows its shopping service areas
Same-day delivery on everything you love. 3 months free delivery on eligible orders over $15* Google Express (shortened from G...
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