Health insurance advertisers spent more than $103 million on Google AdWords in the U.S. in the first half of 2014. A new report from paid search insights firm, AdGooroo, looked at desktop text ad activity on 6,003 health insurance-related keywords. When analyzing the top 20 keywords by spend, AdGooroo found that an average 171 advertisers were bidding on each of those keywords.
On average a staggering 358 advertisers were bidding on the top keyword in the category: “health insurance”. Advertisers spend more than $8.2 million on that term alone in the first six months of the year at an average CPC of $7.83. The highest CPCs were on the keywrod “aarp insurance”, which hit $13.07 on average. Across all 6,003 keywords the average CPC was $3.16 with an average click-through rate of 3.86 percent.
With the Affordable Care Act’s first deadline of March 31st, it’s not surprising four of the top keywords were related to the Affordable Care Act, including “obamacare”, “affordable care act”, “healthcare.gov” and “obama care”. Another five were Medicare-related (“medicare”, “medicare.gov”, medicare part d”, “medicare part b” and “www medicare gov”).
of the nearly 28,000 advertisers bidding on the 6,0003 keywords
analyzed, lead aggregator IndividualHealthQuotes.com was the top
spending site in the first half of the year at over $4.4 million. It’s
lead generation site for UnitedHealthcare,
UHC.IndividualHealthQuotes.com, made the list at $1.26 million.
Source:- http://searchengineland.com
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